The Return of Conan

Conan on Fox is the rumor that is gathering speed day by day. They initially began when he quit NBC in January and have since grown. Last month News Corp. Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch said “We’re giving it a lot of thought and a lot of examination” with regards to the rumors that Conan would take the top slot in the late night segment.

While Fox seems to be the most likely place to go to, Conan’s representative Leslee Dart stated that it was not the only place they were looking at. Cable networks are one such place and even a syndicated show is being looked at. If the syndication gig works out, it would be the first foray out of the late night slot and into an early slot, namely the 4.30P.M to 7.30 P.M, for Conan.

Currently, Conan is preparing for a cross country comedy tour titled “The Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour”. The title itself takes a swing at NBC and the provision in his severance agreement which prohibits him from appearing on air till the month of September. NBC was unhappy with Conan’s ratings on the “Tonight Show” and its suggestion that his show be moved a later slot caused the acrimonious split between the comic host and the network. Since then Jay Leno has been brought back to host the show and seems to have regained the lost ratings.
Meanwhile, negotiations between Conan and Fox will probably have a deadline of early May for the network’s upfront presentation.

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