Archive for Entertainment

If you are interested in getting into some free online radio, then all you really need to do is know what types of music that you are interested in listening to – that’s right, it’s really just that easy!  So if you are interested in internet radio free, than you are in for a real surprise, because internet radio is everything that you could have ever hoped for and more. 

Let’s just say for arguments sake that you have a weakness for 70s music, or country, or whatever else that you may be interested in, and you want a way to listen to your music without having to click on each youtube video or other type of single player – get into online radio, and I guarantee that you will enjoy it immensely.  So let’s talk about what you listen to while you are in the car, specifically if you are taking a long road trip, because most people get tired of their iPod or MP3 player long before the road trip is even half way done, and have nothing to listen to because they are unsure of local stations and don’t want to spend the rest of the ride switching from station to station over and over again as station go out of range.  So let’s talk internet radio, because that is probably the most feasible alternative for what you are currently experiencing, and can be had by you for free!

Great Radio Stations

Everyone knows that feeling when they are driving away from home and their radio starts to get that static sound.  Soon, before long, one’s favorite radio station is no longer playing and static is the only option, minus searching for a new station.  It can be a frustrating situation.  It is common to find people who will sit in their car for a few minutes longer simply to hear the end of a great song rather than go into work and miss out on hearing it. 

Fortunately for those who love to hear the radio and listen to music there are viable options even when a radio is not available.  It is possible to listen to 90s music on your computer while streaming it from the internet.  It is becoming common for many radio stations to stream their feed over the internet so they can reach larger markets than simply those who are in range of their broadcast. 

One popular radio media type is talk radio.  This has become a very popular option for many because of the different topics that are covered.  One of the most famous talk radio hosts is Howard Stern.  He is well known for pushing the boundaries and is regarded as a shock jock.  Talk radio spans all subjects and fields, from sports to politics.  NPR, National Public Radio, is a well known radio station that is primarily considered a talk radio station.  It is typically supported by a local university and provides the public with current and interesting news.

Everyone has favorite type of music but for many people it isn’t necessarily a genre of music but rather from a period of time.  Each decade, roughly a span of 10 years, has its own identity and most people either love or hate music from each decade. 

70’s musicis well known for and associated with disco music.  This period is well remembered for John Travolta and the movie Saturday Night Fever.  The Bee Gees’ soundtrack to that famous movie set the record for best selling album until it was broken less than a decade later.  The Hustle by Van McCoy was an extremely popular song during this time.

The next decade of music, 80’s music, is best classified as the decade of Michael Jackson and Madonna.  These two premier artists helped to replace disco music with dance and pop music.  Some other popular artists of this time were New Kids on the Block R.E.M. the Violent Femmes and Cyndi Lauper.

90’s music can best be classified as the emergence of grunge, alternative rock and pop rock.  While pop music continued to be popular, bands such as Nirvana, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Green Day came into prominence.  Nirvana’s album Nevermind and their tremendous hit Smells Like Teen Spirit best describes the 90’s.  This musical group created such an impact on the music scene that even today musical acts are still influenced by them.  The death of the lead singer for Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, did however symbolically end the growth of the grunge rock genre.

If you’re ready to upgrade your outdated tube television to a new flat screen TV, you may be in for a surprise — not all flat screens are created equal. You will have to choose from a wide selection of TVs on the market, including LCD, LED, and plasma screens. Do you want to purchase the Sony 40ex500 LCD high definition TV or the Panasonic Viera TC-L32X1?

When it comes to high-definition TV, you can choose between several options, including LCD and LED TVs. LCD stands for liquid crystal display, while LED stands for light-emitting diode. You can even find LCD TVs with LED backlight or side-light technology. The final decision depends on you, the consumer, and what you want out of your TV. For example, do you want to save on energy bills? You may not want to purchase a plasma TV. It is important to do your research and compare products before your final decision.

Article provided by Signal Television
The former dance instructor on the reality TV show Alex da Silva will not be having a future with the show. He was convicted by a Los Angeles jury of raping one woman and assaulting another with the intent of rape. The jury was hung on four other charges made by two other women claiming to be victims of Da Silva.

The Latin dancer was the choreographer and dance instructor on SYTYCD from 2005 to 2008. He was arrested in August 2009 following criminal complaints made by his alleged victims and a subsequent police investigation.

Da Silva 43 from Brazil pleaded not guilty last June to charges of sexually abusing four different women over a six year period from 2003 to 2009. The alleged assaults were said to have taken place during private lessons at his North Hollywood home where the victims were lured in for private dancing lessons.

He will be sentenced on November 8 and faces the possibility of life in prison if convicted of all charges. He has spent the past two years since the arrest in jail as he was unable to come up with $2 million in bail.

How many people have had to prepare for long road trips and dread the idea of getting into the car for 10 hours without anything to keep them sane or awake?  If that describes you, then listen up, because you have been missing out on some seriously awesome things.  Free online radio is like free pizza or free beer, you really can’t beat a deal like that.  And especially since satellite range is a bit more extensive than radio towers, the online radio stations won’t change during the trip.  Meaning that, if you find a station that plays all of your jams, stick with it, and let it keep you awake all trip long! 

But online music isn’t just for your enjoyment on long car rides – it can accompany you on runs, via your smart phone, or during homework study sessions in the library where normal radio stations won’t get a signal.  There are so many uses for online music that everyone should be able to take advantage of this opportunity in some way.  Just think of a good run to all of your favorite music, doesn’t that sound fun? 

Some radio stations will actually allow you to rate songs, and will choose songs to play to you based on the choices you make.  There are stations for specific bands, and for specific types of music, such as specific types of country, or heavy metal music. 

Radio has been the preferred medium for delivering music and entertainment for free for over a century. Since the early 1900s, music, shows, weather, and news was broadcasted over the airwaves for anyone with a radio receiver to collect and hear. Nowadays there is so much free music online available through online radios that using the actual radio is becoming a bit significant.

This phasing out of popular radio stations is caused mostly by the huge variety available on the internet. Where a listener would have a choice between ten to fifteen stations in the past, nowadays the listener has access to literally thousands of different stations specializing in almost anything imaginable.

One of the most popular ways to differentiate between different styles of music is by decade. There are tons of free internet services that offer stations geared towards 80s music. Musicians include The Cars, Aerosmith, Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, Bruce Springsteen and more. This era was extremely rich in terms of its music output and the variety found in this decade is tremendous.

Another popular genre is 90s music. This era was epitomized by alternative rock and grunge (although obviously there were plenty of other styles going on). Some of the bigger bands from this period include Alice in Chains, 311, Pearl Jam, Blind Melon, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, Blink 182 and many more.

If you are interested in checking out some of these great bands and thousands of other options, do a quick search for them – you won’t be sorry.

Whenever one uses the term radio, the first thing that comes to mind is the old transistors that people used to use to either catch up with the news or the latest scores of their favorite teams or even listening to programs of music by your favorite.


However, there is one serious limitation with listening to local radio stations with due emphasis on the word ‘local’ as there are very few stations to choose from.

Yet that’s not the only reason why you should think of listening to music or whatever you would like to catch up on using the medium of free internet radio, so here are a list of reasons as to why you should do so:

Reason #1: A wide variety of programming to choose from

Since the internet has so many stations that stream their programming from several countries, this means that the options that are open to listeners are aplenty. Again this depends on the type of radio that you enjoy listening to (take for example, top 40) because there are several radio stations that cater to programming related to this type of entertainment.

Reason #2: Doesn’t cost you a dime

Even though Napster did themselves in by really ripping off bands and musicians off their royalties, the radio in its online form remains untouched by these events. Since you can listen to it but not own it, this format has been accepted by all musicians in general. No matter what you do, listening to internet radio for free is free of cost and will always stay that way.

Reason #3: All you need is a broadband connection and a set of speakers

With technological advancements such as the internet, the iPod and so on and so forth, listening to the radio is not just limited to a music player but all it requires (if you want to try listening to internet radio) is a broadband connection, a computer and a set of speakers.